An Introduction

The first piece of Coincidental Music was written and performed in 1984. In the interim I've done a lot of listening, a lot of thinking and a lot, lot else besides. Finally, some of the fruits of all this will reach the light of day.
Since this is just the start, everything is likely to change. Certainly there will be a fair number of redesigns before I settle on something I'm happy with. For now, enjoy the HTML minimalism.
So what now?
Initially, this site was conceived with two purposes in mind:
- to provide a hub for various planned musical releases – some old, some new
- to expound my random thoughts about music, composition, psychology and, well, just life generally.
As is the way with such vague plans, things have turned out differently. As I reacquainted myself with the current state of the art in music technology, I discovered the huge array of software now available to create, mangle and record sound. And, as so many have before me, I became distracted.
This is not the first time this has happened. My most recent experiences with synthesizers were back in the 1980s and 1990s, first with a Minimoog, and then with the Roland D-50 and the JV/XP range. Unlike analog synths, I found designing patches for these to be an enjoyable activity in itself – a little too enjoyable sometimes, to the detriment of composition. However, sharing or selling these patches was a tiresome and unsatisfying process. Fortunately, this has changed.
And so the most recent motivation to get this site up and running has been to distribute (for a nominal price) various patchbanks for VSTs. I'm resigned to having to spend some time satisying my urge to design patches before I can get stuck in to the musical projects I have in mind. It's small and not entirely perfectly formed, but I hope it will provide some creative fertiliser for your music-making.