Autumn Update

Textur for U-he ACE | After Hours for Lounge Lizard EP-4 | Prism Sticks for Chromaphone | Happy Hour for EP-3

Seasons come and seasons go, and my music release is still in the pipeline. Plenty of stuff going on, nothing finished. In the meantime, enjoy the patches.

NB: If you want to buy more than one item, I’m afraid you’ll have to purchase each one individually. That’s the price for cutting out the middle man…

Textur: 80 Sonic Explorations for U-he ACE

close up of sand/shingle

What can I say about ACE? It gives my ears pleasure in the same way that a Mini Moog used to. It encourages exploration and experimentation in an immediate way that most subtractive synths can't match. And it's so rich and responsive that you can really get in deep and fine tune sounds. Three cheers for the shift key!

These patches are the result of 18 months of happy exploration with ACE. I've made efforts to make them playable even on modest machines, and this means that many of them can be played as polyphonic keyboard sounds without too much regard for the consequences.

You'll find a good number of pads, ranging from bright, ethereal sounds to dark, atonal drones. There are bells, soundscapes, keys and organs, and a smattering of FX, leads and percussion.

The details you need to know

  • 80 patches: 37 Pads, 10 FX, 16 Keys, 8 Monos, 9 Shorts.
  • GBP £7.50 (approx. USD $9.50, EUR €8.50).
  • Free updates if I release more ACE patches.
  • Pay by Paypal, receive patchbank by email within 24 hours (probably much sooner).
  • 4 sample patches for free (zip includes installation instructions).
  • Full list of patches and explanatory notes (PDFs).

Read enough? Then BUY HERE! Or listen to some of the sounds first. NB these demos use Diversion CM as a reverb, to allow the rich sound of ACE to breathe freely and be savoured.


After Hours: 100 Late Night Noises for AAS Lounge Lizard EP-4 Electric Piano

sun setting behind hazel tree in silhouette

I love electric pianos of all shapes and sizes. Even cheap ones can make me smile. And, while there are some really great sampled Rhodes and Wurlis out there, there's something about Lounge Lizard that I find makes it much more fun to play. I think it's because the slight variability in the sound makes you listen closer to what you're playing, then react and adjust, in a way you wouldn't do with a more regular and predictable instrument.

Following on from Happy Hour (for EP-3), this bank takes advantage of the improved engine and new features in Lounge Lizard EP-4. It contains reworkings of over 50 presets from the Happy Hour bank and many completely new sounds. You'll find smooth sounds, tortured experiments and finely-tuned funk, all with the playability and responsiveness you get from physical modelling synthesis.

The details you need to know

  • These patches are for the full version of AAS Lounge Lizard EP-4 Electric Piano, not for Lounge Lizard Session and not for EP-3.
  • 100 patches: 10 Chimes, 13 Drums & Tuned Percussion, 7 FX, 13 Keys (Rhodes), 17 Keys (Specials), 7 Keys (Wurli), 14 Organs, 11 Stringed, 8 Synths.
  • GBP £9.00 (approx. USD $11.50, EUR €10).
  • Free updates if I make more Lounge Lizard EP-4 patches.
  • Pay by Paypal, receive patchbank by email within 24 hours (probably much sooner).
  • 4 sample patches for free (zip includes installation instructions).
  • Full list of patches and explanatory notes (PDFs).

Read enough? Then BUY HERE! Or listen to some of the sounds first...


Prism Sticks

ripe grass seedhead in close-up

If you're familiar with Chromaphone, you'll know how detailed, how organic and how playable its percussion palette is. Prism Sticks is a sizable expansion, exploring and expanding new areas, including emulations of real (and hybrid 'imaginary') instruments, evocative and detailed soundscapes and fresh new sonic punctuation. These sounds can provide a contrasting organic or edgy feel to synthesized music, or add a subtle new sound landscape to an acoustic arrangement.

The details you need to know

  • Only for use with Chromaphone 2 not with AAS Player. Please email if you also need the patches in the format for the original Chromaphone (though a small number are not included in this set of files, as they require features not present in the original plugin).
  • Further expanded from the original: 170 patches: 6 Arps, 20 Bells & Chimes, 28 Keys, 22 Pads, 12 Percussive Atmospheres, 18 Percussive Hits, 20 Plucks & Strings, 22 Soundscapes & FX, 14 Synthetic and 8 Wind.
  • GBP £14.00 (approx. USD $18, EUR €15.50).
  • Pay by Paypal, receive patchbank by email within 24 hours (probably much sooner).
  • 4 sample patches for free (zip includes installation instructions).
  • Full list of patches and explanatory notes (PDFs).

Read enough? Then BUY HERE! Or listen to some of the sounds first...


Happy Hour: Exotic Cocktails for AAS Lounge Lizard EP-3 Electric Piano

field of yellow oilseed rape

If you haven't upgraded your Lounge Lizard to EP-4, or if you just prefer the slightly simpler sound of the old EP-3, then this sound set is still available. The updated sounds in After Hours, while they are as close as I could make them, have a slightly different character and respond differently.

The details you need to know

  • Only for use with the full version of AAS Lounge Lizard EP-3 Electric Piano, not with Lounge Lizard Session and NOT with EP-4.
  • 100 patches: 10 Chimes, 10 Drums & Perc, 14 FX, 11 Keys (Rhodes), 16 Keys (Specials), 5 Keys (Wurli), 12 Organs, 8 Stringed, 14 Synths.
  • GBP £5 (approx. USD $8, EUR €7).
  • Pay by Paypal, receive patchbank by email within 24 hours (probably much sooner).
  • 4 sample patches for free (zip includes installation instructions).
  • Full list of patches and explanatory notes (PDFs).

Read enough? Then BUY HERE! Or listen to some of the sounds first...